Ultrapure Vacuum Salt
Our flagship food salt product – standard high purity vacuum salt, specially screened for the dairy industry (grain size <850µm >212µm).
- Available with or without anti-caking agent.
- Available iodised, for baking applications.
- Available with additive Tixolex 1%, as table salt.
Ultrapure will add satisfaction, confidence and value all round – for your customers and for you.
And you will never look back from our personalised, no-call-centre ordering system and streamlined shipping process.
Superior clean-through packaging
Salt International has developed innovative packaging to ensure our food grade salt retains its purity and integrity end-to-end
There’s pure brilliance in the ease and safety of Ultrapure’s packaging. Clear, high-strength, non-slip P/E bags that are:
- simple to carry
- simple to open
- simple to pour
- double-wrapped and delivered on food grade card board pallets
Superior satisfaction
Ultrapure will add satisfaction, confidence and value all round – for your customers and for you.
And you will never look back from our personalised, no-call-centre ordering system and streamlined shipping process.