Ultrapure Pool Salt

  • Ultra long cell life
  • Ultra fast dissolving
  • Ultra free flowing
  • Ultra easy handling
  • Ultra safe food quality

Clearly, Ultrapure Pool Salt is the ultimate choice for you, your business and your customers.

Because Ultrapure is essentially free of minerals such as iron, manganese and calcium, it will decrease pool staining and extend cell life compared to other pool salts. Ultrapure will not prevent staining due to poor pool maintenance or poor water quality.

Ultra packaging

There’s pure brilliance in the ease and safety of Ultrapure’s innovative packaging. Clear, high-strength, non-slip P/E 20kg bags that are:

  • simple to carry
  • simple to open
  • simple to pour

Superior satisfaction

Ultrapure will add satisfaction, confidence and value all round – for your customers and for you.

And you will never look back from our personalised, no-call-centre ordering system and streamlined shipping process.
